Monday 28 October 2013

Sunday 26th October 2008 (pp4154-65)

Miscellanea at the end of this notebook is rather disappointing and indeed not very imaginative or expansive, certainly not like the earlier notebooks where imagination was leaking out the edges of the pages.

Saturday 25th October 2008 (pp4148-53)

And then boom! back into writing. Every day I force myself to create there is the potential for something great.

Friday 24th October 2008 (pp4146-7)

More despair.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Thursday 23rd October 2008 (pp4136-45)

In this final part of the book we see representatives of what the island man sees as archetypes of the male and the female; the female is embodied by Marion, desirable, tempting, in need of protection and the male is Eliot Brile, predatory, shameless, potentially violent.

Wednesday 22nd October 2008 (pp4130-5)

Featured doodles: silhouette of batman/catwoman figure; a stream of growing, interlocking circles; the lefthand side boundary of the writing outlined and shaded; a square spiral to a zig-zag, gone over again to strengthen the lines (it's satisfying to go over doodles, to make the fleeting and casual into something that seems permanent and purposeful) alongside a wavy elongated cloud; then perhaps the most complex and ambitious drawing: a looping line (wherefrom this image undoubtedly began) which circles in on itself and expands into a thick oval, on the left more circles fan out and on the right, like an opposing arm, is what becomes a scrolling paper-like appendage.

Tuesday 21st October 2008 (pp4120-9)

A letter from Meredith about how the island man's family were doing without him. I felt my absence from my family in a similar way. Sometimes. Or perhaps just in retrospect.