Tuesday 30 April 2013

Tuesday 29th April 2008 (pp2785-95)

I had big plans for this time of freedom away from girlfriend. I wanted to catch up on writing, but I also wanted to watch as much of the snooker as I could. It was bad timing. Now I make sure I don't have anything planned when the snooker is on, so there is no conflict of interests.

Monday 28th April 2008 (pp2772-84)

That time is here again!: the end of one notebook/beginning of a new one, featuring this time drawings of a heart with a bread knife through it and a list of things to write. And that's it. (NB change 'featuring' to 'comprising of')

Sunday 27th April 2008 (pp2761-71)

Day begins with a kind of ecstatic offering of thanksgiving to the writing gods. (As I write this John Parrot describes Ronnie O'Sullivan's playing as 'snooker of the gods'.)

Saturday 26th April 2008 (pp2748-60)

'Today has been a good day for finding out what is important'. I wrote a lot. I spoke to Ed and I was missing my girlfriend, a kind of contentment therein that arose from not having the pressure of having her there to make any demands.