Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sunday 25th February 2008 (pp2145-50)

Entry trails off after 6 pages. The rest of the page left empty. Shocking to see empty page.

Saturday 24th February 2008 (pp2138-44)

Picture of the pub in the story. I can see that pub in my mind. And the attic of Simon Asquith where they sleep. Their faces aren't quite clear, but he's pretty ugly, Simon.

Thursday 21st February 2008 (pp2108-19)

Sorry, these are in the wrong order. Do forgive me.

Saturday 23rd February 2008 (pp2126-37)

Planning out the story. It involves a strange man and his even stranger mother who give the protagonist a place to stay in town. They get him to do weird things.

Friday 22nd February 2008 (pp2020-5)

There is graffiti all over Brighton of a monster saying 'give me your tears'.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Wednesday 20th February 2008 (pp2098-107)

I saw a program about Google Books and their plan to scan every book in the world. They have V-shaped scanners, well actually Google don't let you see their scanners, but similar scanning initiatives used these V-shaped scanners. You lower the scanner down and it presses into the open book, supported underneath by a similarly V-shaped platform. In this way the book doesn't get damaged. I only have a flatbed scanner and I have to force all the notebooks flat which does sometimes damage them slightly, especially the weaker ones like this current green notebook.

Maybe one day there will be an online collection that I can put my scanned notebooks into. And then all of this time and effort would feel worthwhile. I'll happily continue, knowing that there is at least a potential of this being of use to someone at some point.