Wednesday 29 May 2013

Tuesday 13th May 2008 (pp2912-21)

I used to frequently go to the cafĂ© at Komedia to write. My girlfriend worked there and she made me free cappuccini. 

The writing below is about real life, including the desire to get my hair cut; it was long and tangled and I didn't wash it for about 8 months or something, as a little competition with myself, I think I had washed it by this point though; she washed it in the bath, almost ritualistically. Furthermorely, I wrote about Bat For Lashes rehearsing at the studio adjacent to the bakery I worked at. I'd listen wistfully at the door to the songs that would make up the new album. I wrote about it and thought that maybe I could send the writing to a music magazine, maybe Plan B and they could publish it.

Monday 12th May 2008 (pp2902-11)

On this day in 2013 I worked a monumental 19.5 hour shift. Scanning did not occur to me during this time. The project is not all-involving. I rarely think about it. I don't have to be thinking about it constantly to keep up with it, not like when I was writing the notebooks. I'm now 17 days behind on the blog, but I have scanned up to about the 18th May. It will only take a few more scanning sessions to get back up to date.

Sunday 11th May 2008 (pp2891-901)

I got behind on my scanning by a few weeks, for various reasons, one of which was perhaps loss of interest or even remembrance of having to scan, but contemporaneously I did show my notebooks to some people at a gallery in London. They sat and read them and asked me questions. Then Xelis and Ed did a performance based on the notebooks. Xelis arranged them all in piles and read parts out. It made me remember what it was like to write them all and why I did it.

Friday 17 May 2013

Saturday 10th May 2008 (pp2880-90)

There were many practical questions about going to an island that I spent most of the time ignoring out of cowardice. (Or was it indifference?) Then at certain times when I was feeling especially confident I would try and tackle such plot holes.

Friday 9th May 2008 (pp2870-9)

Seems I had reached a rare happy state around this time. 'My mind becomes a piece of iron'?! I think that's meant to be a good thing.